Category: To My Friends
July 8, 2023
Let’s go out into the community and spread friendship, cheerfully and refreshingly! The momentum for kosen-rufu’s progress begins with developing trust!
Category: To My Friends
Let’s go out into the community and spread friendship, cheerfully and refreshingly! The momentum for kosen-rufu’s progress begins with developing trust!
Category: To My Friends
The realization of a world without nuclear weapons was the will and testament of my mentor, and it is our vow. With awareness as protagonists who will create history, let’s forge a grass-roots solidarity of action to positively transform an era mired in crisis!
Category: To My Friends
Let’s strongly believe in our own potential! That is faith. The power to continuously advance exists within our own life!
Category: To My Friends
The most difficult of times provide the opportunity for even greater transformation.Courageous daimoku and action will lead to glorious victory without fail.
Category: To My Friends
Those who continue to study and learn are never deadlocked. Let’s steadily build a foundation for victory by making efforts to study Nichiren Buddhism every day with a strong, seeking spirit.
Category: To My Friends
―WORDS OF THE WEEK― Nichiren Daishonin declares, “Those with the heart of a lion king are sure to attain Buddhahood.”(*) The mentor and disciples of Soka are fearless. Manifest courageous faith and cheerfully triumph over all! (*) “Letter from Sado,” WND 1, 302 Tentative translation of “Words of the Week” published in
Category: To My Friends
July, the month of youth, has arrived. Nichiren Daishonin asserts, “Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword.”(*) Youth, who live for kosen-rufu, spend the springtime of your youth developing your lives through challenging and surmounting hardship! (*) “Letter from Sado,” WND-1, p. 303
Category: To My Friends
Reciting gongyo and chanting daimoku every day is the driving force for remarkable transformation. Nichiren Daishonin states, “The daimoku is a big voice.”(*) Let’s rouse the entire universe with prayer infused with powerful conviction! (*)OTT, 90
Category: To My Friends
Nichiren Daishonin states,“Ordinary people keep in mindthe words ‘earnest resolve’and thereby become Buddhas.(*)Let’s advance, embracing in our hearts great, earnest resolve for the attainment of kosen-rufu!This determination transforms our actions and enables us to achieve victory in life! (*) “The Gift of Rice,” WND 1, 1125
Category: To My Friends
“Unlike most people . . . I, Nichiren, have occasion to meet with a great many persons.”(*) This is the Daishonin’s great pride. Let’s continuously meet people and create a steady groundswell for kosen-rufu. (*) “Condolences on a Deceased Husband,” WND 2, p. 778
Category: To My Friends
Swift action will move people’s hearts.The accumulation of such efforts will create trust and strengthen the bonds that connect us. Tentative translation of “To My Friends” published in the SeikyoShimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance.
Category: To My Friends
―WORDS OF THE WEEK― Nichiren Daishonin states, “When one gives [other people] strength, one gives oneself strength, too.”(*) When we make an effort to foster successors, limitless power wells forth from within our own lives. Let’s encourage the Youth and Future Division members and help them develop into remarkable, capable
Category: To My Friends
“Anyone who teaches others even a single phrase of the Lotus Sutra is the envoy of the Thus Come One.”(*) Let’s all wholeheartedly praise those who share this Buddhism with their friends and joyfully commence a grand march as the Bodhisattvas of the Earth! (*) “The Ship to Cross the
Category: To My Friends
Regardless of who is watching, let’s devote ourselves to helping our friends become happy. Such dedicated efforts will bring about immeasurable benefit. Let’s live out our lives fulfilling our noble mission with conviction in the principle of “myo-no-shoran” (literally, “the Mystic Law is our witness)― that all our efforts
Category: To My Friends
A strong seeking mind toward Buddhism helps us develop and grow as a person. With pride in living up to our mission, let’s advance “day by day and month after month,”(*) wholeheartedly praying, studying and engaging in conversation. (*)”On Persecutions Befalling the Sage, WND p. 997 Tentative translation of
Category: To My Friends
The Daishonin states, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion.”(*) The Mystic Law is a highly effective medicine for our lives. Let’s continue to pray powerfully so that we are never defeated by the “devil” of sickness! (*) “Letter to Kyo’o,” WND I p. 412 Tentative translation of “To
Category: To My Friends
As leaders, let’s earnestly prepare for every meeting. Let’s strictly observe the ending time and create a multifold network of joy, with everyone feeling glad they came. Tentative translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance.
Category: To My Friends
―WORDS OF THE WEEK― The Soka Gakkai’s discussion meetings are the world’s hope. They are a flourishing oasis of life-to-life connections. Nichiren Daishonin asserts, “The more one praises [the blessings of the Lotus Sutra,] the more one’s own blessings will increase.”(*) We reflect this spirit at our gatherings where we
Category: To My Friends
To our friends participating in the young men’s division support group training who are challenging themselves with lionhearted courage to spread kosen-rufu― Take action to train and forge your lives, together with your good comrades in faith, and shine in society! Tentative translation of “To My Friends”
Category: To My Friends
Nurturing and caring for people is the greatest undertaking as a human being. Therein we will find the strength to open the door to a hope-filled tomorrow. Let’s develop and grow together! Tentative translation of “To My Friends” published in the Seikyo Shimbun, based on President Ikeda’s recent guidance.