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District Study Meeting Material
February 2022
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February 2022
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In early 1952, the Soka Gakkai was still a fledgling people’s movement when second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda dispatched his young disciple Daisaku Ikeda, to Kamata Chapter to create a model for widely sharing the humanistic ideals of Nichiren Buddhism in a society still reeling from war. That February, the young Daisaku led the
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Chapter 11 “The Three Kinds of Treasure”—Part 2 of 3 Nichiren Daishonin addressed “The Three Kinds of Treasure” to a disciple who was facing dire circumstances to teach him the importance of one’s own behavior in a time of adversity. In this lecture, Ikeda Sensei focuses on the importance of supporting and encouraging each person.
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Excerpts From Ikeda Sensei’s Annual Peace Proposals:
Human Rights
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Featuring members From Washington, D.C.
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In the wake of my brother’s death, I discovered my mission as an educator to foster the future. I’m Nichi Aviña from Palm Desert, California.
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Illustrations by Leo Matsuda
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Shijo Kingo
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On Jan. 9, 2022, Ikeda Sensei and his wife, Kaneko, visited the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Tokyo and recited gongyo and daimoku. They celebrated the start of the Year of Youth and Dynamic Progress and the fresh departure of each Soka Gakkai organization. They also wholeheartedly prayed for the peace and security of the world,
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Tune in to this episode of the top-rated podcast “The Melissa Ambrosini Show” to hear Greg Martin, co-author of The Buddha in Your Mirror, and Jihii Jolly, host of the popular podcasts “Buddhability” and “Buddhist Solutions for Life’s Problems,” in conversation with Ms. Ambrosini. Listen to the episode today.
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Fighting to keep up with the Coast Guard’s best and brightest, my Buddhist practice proves vital to breaking through fatigue and self-doubt.
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How SGI-USA youth are using their Buddhist practice to win at work.
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Guidance for Soka Women
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Answer: By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we can always find a way forward.
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These are excerpts from Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada’s encouragement at a Jan. 7, 2022, Soka Gakkai prefectures leaders meeting. The full summary of his encouragement was published in the Jan. 8, 2022, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. The Year of Youth and Dynamic Progress has finally begun. To celebrate Ikeda
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How we use our time plays a significant role in how our lives unfold. Finding time amid a hectic schedule is undoubtedly a struggle. When we talk about mastering time from the Buddhist perspective, it’s not about time management in the traditional sense, where we calculate how much time we allot to each activity. Rather,
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In 1918, Katmai National Park and Preserve was designated a national monument to preserve the features impacted by the cataclysmic 1912 volcanic eruption of Mount Katmai—one of the most powerful recorded. The focus of the park later shifted to protecting wildlife. Its water habitats are vital for red salmon reproduction, making the park home to
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This essay by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the Dec. 27, 2021, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Each December, there is a poem of my mentor’s that I recall with boundless gratitude: Winning and losingare bothpart of life,but I pray to the Buddhafor final victory. Second Soka Gakkai President Josei
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by Mitch BogenSpecial to the Tribune With nearly 250 participants from 27 countries attending via Zoom, the 2021 Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue demonstrated how technology can enhance a sense of global citizenship. The core message of the event, though, was that the essential work of global citizenship begins on a deeper, more personal level.
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Ikeda Sensei composed the following poems to celebrate the start of the New Year. These poems were originally published in the Jan. 1, 2022, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Engraving in our heartsthe Daishonin’s sacred teachings,which can unite the entire world,let’s break through all obstaclesas Bodhisattvas of the Earth! • •