Author: jhsu
Opening the Next 50 Years of Global Kosen-rufu
The Soka Gakkai International 50th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting, held on Guam, underscores the people’s network of human harmony.
Author: jhsu
The Soka Gakkai International 50th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting, held on Guam, underscores the people’s network of human harmony.
Author: jhsu
SGI-USA representatives take part in 13th annual Latte Peace Festival on Jan. 25, 2025 at Tamuning Municipal Park in Guam. The community event, co-founded by the SGI-USA, aims to inspire action for global peace. Latte stones (pronounced lah-tee) are remnants of ancient CHamoru culture in Guam and symbolize the people’s strength, identity and resilience. Awards
Author: jhsu
Planting seeds of peace in Guam, I unite my family and expand it, too.
Author: jhsu
This essay originally appeared in the Jan. 26, 2023, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun, and the Feb. 10, 2023, World Tribune, pp. 10–11. My mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, placed deep trust in our pioneering members of Tohoku, centering around Sendai Chapter. He regarded them as a model for
Author: jhsu
On Jan. 26, 2025, SGI-USA training course participants took part in a Q&A session with SGI General Director Yoshiki Tanigawa in Tumon, Guam. Q. This week, we’ve discussed the state of the world when the SGI was founded in 1975 (amid heightened Cold War tensions). In our Buddhist practice, we focus on making many causes
Author: jhsu
SGI-USA training course participants attended a gongyo meeting with Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Tokyo, on Jan. 22, 2025. SGI General Director Yoshiki Tanigawa and SGI Women’s Leader Yumiko Kasanuki were also in attendance. President Harada’s excerpted address follows. First, I would like to express my deepest condolences to
Author: jhsu
The World Tribune is publishing Ikeda Sensei’s encouragement every month for the SGI-USA women’s division’s America Victory Daimoku Group and Sophia Group meetings. The following excerpt is from Reaching Beyond—Improvisations on Jazz, Buddhism, and a Joyful Life, pp. 189–190. I am certain that many people have felt this gratitude to someone for their help and
Author: jhsu
How ordinary people built bridges of shared struggle amid the devastation of war.
Author: jhsu
From January to February, all seven other planets in our solar system are lining up across the night sky before dawn or after sunset. They include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—as bright points of light, all visible to the naked eye—with Uranus and Neptune visible only with a telescope. With the next visible planet
Author: jhsu
Preface Religion is the pillar of humanity. Philosophy is the backbone of life. The Soka Gakkai has advanced based on the strength of its members’ solid grounding in Buddhist study, a pursuit that can be likened to the rigorous training of a master swordsman. Opening the pages of Nichiren Daishonin’s writings with the spirit of
Author: jhsu
The following are excerpts from Ikeda Sensei’s speech at the 73rd Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting, held in Tokyo, on Dec. 16, 1993. It was translated from the April 4, 2018, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun, originally published in the May 11, 2018, World Tribune. A Japanese intellectual recently remarked: “The
Author: jhsu
Please base your monthly discussion meeting on one of the following: 1) Writings for Discussion Meetings (pp. 40–41) 2) Buddhist Concepts (pp. 42–43)3) Material from any recent issue of the World Tribune or Living Buddhism Writings for Discussion Meetings Live Without Regrets With Steadfast Faith Passage Be resolved to summon forth the great power of
Author: jhsu
Gongyo—which includes reciting portions of the “Expedient Means” and “Life Span of the Thus Come One” chapters of the Lotus Sutra morning and evening—is part of daily practice for Nichiren Buddhists. This series will carry Ikeda Sensei’s explanations of gongyo, section by section. The full text can be found in The Heart of the Lotus
Author: jhsu
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an abridgement of his speech given at the Youth Training Session, held at the Malibu Training Center, Malibu, California, February 26, 1990. The full speech can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth edition, pp. 84–94.
Author: jhsu
My battles with illness taught me that chanting is the strongest medicine, because I am still here. I am Valerie Ewing, of Chicago.
Author: jhsu
On the Power to Persevere When Our Dreams Feel Out of Reach
Author: jhsu
by Naoko Leslie SGI-USA Women’s Leader Happy February 27, SGI-USA Women’s Division Day! In this exciting Year of Soaring Higher Toward a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, as SGI-USA, we are focusing on our discussion meetings where we can joyfully gather and encourage one another as fellow members and friends! We will especially focus our efforts on
Author: jhsu
The Heritage for Attaining Buddhahood Flows in the Lives of Disciples Who Strive Selflessly for Others’ Happiness in the Same Spirit as the Mentor
Author: jhsu
“As youth, you face all sorts of difficulties, and wrestle each day with worries and problems. Precisely for this reason, it is crucial that you stand up with a great vow and strive to achieve a fundamental goal. Once you decide what is fundamental, nothing that happens will sway you, and you can grow by
Author: jhsu
In this excerpt from volume 6 of The New Human Revolution, Ikeda Sensei writes about an editorial he penned for the April 1962 issue of the Daibyakurenge, titled “To the Student Division,” in which he offers guidelines to the student division members. Sensei appears in the novel as Shin’ichi Yamamoto. Revealing his high hopes for