Author: jhsu
Key Passages From The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (Part 14)
Part 14: ‘The Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’ Chapter— Engaging in Dialogue in a Spirit of Friendship and Activating the Goodness in Each Person’s Heart
Author: jhsu
Part 14: ‘The Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’ Chapter— Engaging in Dialogue in a Spirit of Friendship and Activating the Goodness in Each Person’s Heart
Author: jhsu
Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The body is the palace of the ninth consciousness, the unchanging reality that reigns over all of life’s functions. … Mandala is a Sanskrit word that is translated as
Author: jhsu
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an abridgement of his speech given at a Youth Division Training Session, held at the Malibu Training Center, Malibu, California, February 20, 1990. The full speech can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth edition, pp.
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei: Nichiren Buddhism exists so that everyone can become happy, and the purpose of discussion meetings is to inspire each person in faith. The main focus of the discussion meeting should be on every single one of the participants. Therefore, the determination and commitment of the central figures and attending leaders are crucial. In
Author: jhsu
Planting seeds of trust and hope, I step into my mission as a poet for kosen-rufu. I’m Mónica Lladó from Puerto Rico.
Author: jhsu
Chronicling Ikeda Sensei’s 1993 visit to Boston.
Author: jhsu
by Amelia Gonzalez Tesch and Shota Okajima SGI-USA Young Women’s Division and SGI-USA Young Men’s Division Leaders We so appreciate the opportunity to represent the SGI-USA at the 2024 SGI Youth Training Course. From June 26 to July 2, 18 youth from the SGI-USA were among 260 representatives from 60 countries and territories who gathered
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei composed poems throughout his life in diverse styles, expressing his thoughts, examining Buddhist concepts and encouraging readers across the world. In July 1981, he was named a poet laureate by the World Academy of Arts and Culture. This section of Living Buddhism highlights poems from Journey of Life: Selected Poems of Daisaku Ikeda,
Author: jhsu
Installment 18: Moving to Mount Minobu
Author: jhsu
Guidelines: • be district through national youth leaders. • have their own copy of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3.• read the assigned material prior to each meeting. Syllabus: The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3, pp. 195–247Part Five: “Emerging from the Earth” Chapter • “Upsetting Attachments and Arousing Doubts”: Inducing a Revolutionary
Author: jhsu
September 2024
Author: jhsu
Part 13:‘The Life Span of the Thus Come One’ Chapter—Part 3 of 3 Praying Each Day and Working to Build a World of Happiness Embodying the Words This, My Land, Remains Safe and Tranquil
Author: jhsu
‘Write an Unparalleled Story That Will Endure Into the Future’ The following is the 2023 Message to the Women and Young Women From SGI Honorary Women’s Leader Kaneko Ikeda in simplified Chinese. For the English version, please see the February 3, 2023 World Tribune, or visit the link here. 我怀着敬爱和感谢,和全世界的创价妇女说几句话。 在各位同志真心的题目守护下,1月2日,外子精神矍铄地迎来九十五岁的生日。他表示,从年初开始非洲等世界各地就有新的地涌之友诞生,牧口常三郎先生、户田城圣先生也会为此感到欣慰。 两位先生是在1928年开始信奉日莲大圣人佛法。那年出生的外子,九十五岁的今年也就是两位先生入信的九十五周年。他依然秉持不二的精神,“每个月、每天,都必须更增强信心”(御书文白并列本Ⅲ259页),勇猛精进。 1月11日,外子发表了紧急声明,呼吁世人纠集改变历史、重建和平的创造力。 世界的宝友在重重危机当中,彼此关怀勉励,加深对和平的祈求,在各自使命的国土,凝聚讲求生命尊严、带来希望的力量,外子尤以为傲。 大圣人赞叹池上兄弟和夫人们团结面对纷然竞起的障魔,是“作为流传到未来的佳话”(御书文白并列本Ⅱ118页)。 尤其称许夫人们“追随龙女的足迹,是末代恶世女人成佛的模范”(御书文白并列本Ⅱ122页),不但坚持信心,还悉心照顾强烈反对信仰的公公,达成一家和乐。
Author: jhsu
Author: jhsu
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an abridgement of his speech given at the Youth Division Training Session, held at Soka University Los Angeles in Calabasas, California, on February 19, 1990. The full speech can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei: “The purpose of faith is to attain Buddhahood, to become happy. … The only way to do so is to have faith in the Gohonzon, which is the essence of Buddhism and the purpose of Nichiren Daishonin’s appearance in the world. The Soka Gakkai has been introducing people to the Gohonzon and contributing
Author: jhsu
You may think you offered gifts to the treasure tower of the Thus Come One Many Treasures, but that is not so. You offered them to yourself. You, yourself, are a Thus Come One who is originally enlightened and endowed with the three bodies. You should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with this conviction. Then the place where
Author: jhsu
My journey of inner transformation from a directionless teen to a teacher empowering youth. I’m Sam Saldivar from Fresno, California.
Author: jhsu
Chronicling the translation of the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and its impact on the members of the SGI.
Author: jhsu
Key guidance on shakubuku