by Amelia Gonzalez
SGI-USA Young Women’s Leader
From April 14 to 17, young women’s leaders from throughout the SGI-USA gathered at the Florida Nature and Culture Center for the 2023 Young Women’s Division Leaders Conference, despite what major news outlets termed a “1-in-1,000-year rainfall event” that hit nearby Fort Lauderdale the week of the conference.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “It is the power of the bow that determines the flight of the arrow, the might of the dragon that controls the movement of the clouds. … We know the fire by its smoke, discern the nature of the dragon by the rain” (“The Bow and Arrow,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 656).
Basing ourselves on this passage, our determination to unite wasn’t swayed in the least by the flood. Rather, it served as fuel to strengthen this determination. Despite Fort Lauderdale airport closing and many flight cancellations, all participants arrived safely to the FNCC.
With the theme “Strive for Social Prosperity and World Peace While Becoming Happy Ourselves!,” we discussed topics such as unity, propagation, raising successors and offering personal guidance—all with the understanding that, as leaders, taking action for the sake of others’ happiness is how we become happy ourselves.
Upon departure, many faced more flight cancellations and delays. When a news reporter at the airport asked a participant how she exuded positivity despite the cancellations, she responded that as a Buddhist, she has the mission to create value out of everything.
The participants left the conference excited to visit each member and guest in their local organizations and share Buddhism with others, advancing toward the SGI-USA’s goal of welcoming one precious youth in each district this year.

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