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Frontline News

Courageously Break Through Our Limitations!

Apex, N.C. Photo by Alex Martinez.

by Kevin Moncrief 
SGI-USA Men’s Leader

To the men of the SGI-USA!

Thank you for everything you are doing to advance our dream of kosen-rufu in America! The recently completed July Young Men’s Outings were spectacular. A multitude of young men and their guests attended these events. 

Our support for the youth is crucial. Ikeda Sensei states: “Youth are the protagonists of a new age. The future depends entirely on the aims they cherish, how hard they study, how bravely they act and how seriously they work to develop themselves” (The New Human Revolution, vol. 30, p. 457). Thank you for providing communication, transportation, food, drink and warm encouragement to the young men! 

I would like to share a few points of focus for this month, when we celebrate Sensei joining the Soka Gakkai and SGI-USA Men’s Day on Aug. 24:

1. Each District, One Precious Youth. We will support propagation with a particular focus on young men. Let’s share Buddhism with as many young men as possible working side by side with our four-divisional colleagues.

2. The Cornerman Program. Assigned men’s division cornermen will visit 100% of the YMD Academy candidates in August 2023. It is vital for the future of kosen-rufu to accomplish this goal. 

3. 10,000 Men’s Division Attending August District Discussion Meetings (between four to five men at each district meeting). We will have our regularly scheduled Kings of Soka meetings in August, but we will not have additional men’s division general meetings this month. Instead, let’s encourage our Soka brothers to attend their local district meetings, as members have sincerely resumed hosting discussion meetings in their homes after more than three years. This is the dawn of a new era for the men of the SGI-USA, full of encouragement, vitality and joy.

In his message to the July 9, 2023, headquarters leaders meeting, Sensei encourages us:

Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, is surely aware of all your efforts. Let us show our praise and appreciation with our resounding applause! As Soka Gakkai members, united by the bonds of mentor and disciple—striving forever with the heart of a lion king, together with the people and for the people—let us harmoniously and cheerfully continue to expand our great movement for the eternal victory of the people! (See pp. 2–3)

On behalf of Alex Marcos, Mike Woods, Josh Joffee and Mike Bynum, I thank you for your dedicated, heartfelt efforts so far in 2023. Let’s make August the best month ever as we courageously break through our self-imposed limitations and achieve the most dynamic progress in our lives and in our kosen-rufu movement in America.

August 4, 2023, World Tribune, p. 4

This Month in Soka Gakkai History (August)

Linus Pauling and Daisaku Ikeda