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Ikeda Sensei

A Bold Advance for Lasting Peace

Photo by Toshi Takahashi.

This essay by Ikeda Sensei was published in the Sept. 8, 2023, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun.

My mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, issued his Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons on Sept. 8, 1957. It was a lion’s roar directly challenging the demonic forces threatening human-ity’s very right to exist. He imbued his words with the hope that a united network of young Bodhisattvas of the Earth would defeat that evil. That is why on Sept. 8 each year, I renew my determination to strengthen our gathering of Soka youth. 

Recently, the SGI, as a civil society participant, attended the first session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2026 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (2023 NPT Preparatory Committee) convened in Vienna [from July 31 to Aug. 11]. In this way, members are working tirelessly to mobilize and amplify the voices of ordinary people around the globe speaking out for nuclear weapons abolition and a world without war. 

Our fight against the “absolute evil” of nuclear weapons continues without cease in response to Mr. Toda’s call.

In September 1958, five months after Mr. Toda’s death, a Soka Gakkai youth division sports meet was held. Uniting under the motto “A Bold Advance for Kosen-rufu,” 70,000 eager youth assembled from throughout Japan at the National Stadium in Tokyo. 

It was an exuberant celebration that demolished society’s speculations of the Soka Gakkai’s imminent demise following the loss of its president. 

On that day (Sept. 23), I wrote in my diary: “Power, strength, energy for the future. So long as we have these youth, I thought. Felt profound joy and resolve arise within me.”[1]

It was also on Sept. 8 six decades later (in 2018) that I completed my serialized novel The New Human Revolution.

In its afterword, I wrote that it was my sincere hope that Soka Gakkai members would stand up as Shin’ichi Yamamotos to “create their own brilliant history of human revolution.” I also said: “As long as suffering and misery exist anywhere on our planet, we must continue to weave with rich color and bold creativity the magnificent tapestry of human victory that is kosen-rufu.”[2]

Five years later, this month [September 2023], inspiring young Shin’ichi Yamamotos committed to their vow for kosen-rufu from 44 countries and territories visited Japan [to attend an SGI Youth Training Course]. At the World Youth Summit [held in Tokyo on Sept. 3], these wise global citizens of the Mystic Law gathered together to exchange practical insights on various important topics. I heard that representatives from Africa and South America, for instance, shared experience-based solutions for tackling food crises.

I am delighted to see that in Japan, too, ever-growing numbers of new leaders are emerging in each region.

Nichiren Daishonin writes, “Unlike most people, in the course of spreading these doctrines of mine I, Nichiren, have occasion to meet with a great many persons” (“Condolences On a Deceased Husband,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 778).

We follow Nichiren’s example and engage in dialogue with one person after another, spreading the great light of our Buddhist philosophy of respect for the dignity of life and all human beings. We create new value. 

How encouraging are the spirited efforts of our young men’s division—with YMD Academy members leading the way—to help more and more people form a connection with Nichiren Buddhism!

Tomorrow, Sept. 9, is Young Women’s Student Division Day. Our student division members throughout Japan, young women and men alike, are forging strong ties of friendship and shared love for their alma maters as they prepare for the university festivals that are traditionally held in autumn in Japan.

The women of Soka, shining with hope, are holding various meetings to foster the younger generation of women.

I would also like to wish the best to everyone preparing for Buddhist study exams and thank all those assisting them in their noble efforts.

Our Soka movement has unlimited power for creating a brighter future. Let’s begin a bold advance for worldwide kosen-rufu and lasting peace, marching in rhythm with the Mystic Law and making health and safety our top priorities as we aim toward Nov. 18, the anniversary of our founding, and toward March 16, 2024!

November 3, 2023, World Tribune, pp. 2–3


  1. A Youthful Diary, p. 420. ↩︎
  2. The New Human Revolution, vol. 30, p. 840. ↩︎

The Bonds of Those Connected by the Mystic Law Are Eternal