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Join the World Youth General Meeting!

On Sept. 27, SGI youth from around the globe will meet virtually for the World Youth General Meeting to celebrate 60 years of Ikeda Sensei’s ceaseless efforts for world peace.

SGI youth from around the world will gather on Sept. 27 at 1 p.m. PT / 3 p.m. CT / 4 p.m. ET for a virtual World Youth General Meeting, hosted by the Soka Gakkai in Japan. The event will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Oct. 2, 1960, when Ikeda Sensei, at age 32, took his first steps for worldwide kosen-rufu.

“I truly believe that because of the state of our world, young disciples everywhere are awakening to their vow one by one,” said SGI-USA Youth Leader Olivia Saito. “This is all due to Sensei’s efforts in the past 60 years. I’m excited for us, the youth of the SGI-USA, to join our fellow successors across the globe on Sept. 27 to renew our shared vow to bring peace and happiness to humanity!”

In Sensei’s recent message to the 46th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting, he mentions the World Youth General Meeting:

The decade from the Soka Gakkai’s 90th anniversary to its centennial in 2030 will be crucial. We must be even more determined to show victorious proof of our own human revolution, to transform all great evil into great good and to effect a powerful change in the destiny of all humankind.

The upcoming World Youth General Meeting (scheduled for Sept. 27) will mark the hope-filled start of that far-reaching journey of mentor and disciple.

With our beloved young global citizens of Soka in the lead, let’s summon forth the boundless life force of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, expand our network of good friends and proudly fulfill our vow of mentor and disciple! (see full message here)

The broadcast link to the World Youth General Meeting will be shared soon via your local organization.

Prepared by the World Tribune staff

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