Tag: Parenting
Raising the Future
A discussion with parents on fostering successors for peace.
Tag: Parenting
A discussion with parents on fostering successors for peace.
Tag: Parenting
Learn from the inspiring history of the junior high and high school divisions with monthly features excerpted from The New Human Revolution. In this installment, Ikeda Sensei, appearing as Shin’ichi Yamamoto, discusses the importance of establishing the junior high and high school division in the Soka Gakkai to offer junior high and high school students a
Tag: Parenting
Learn from the inspiring history of the junior high and high school divisions with monthly features excerpted from The New Human Revolution. In this installment, Ikeda Sensei, appearing as Shin’ichi Yamamoto, discusses founding new divisions for junior high and high school students. The following excerpt can be found in The New Human Revolution, vol. 9,
Tag: Parenting
At the Seikyo Shimbun Building, Ikeda Sensei (appearing as Shin’ichi Yamamoto in the novel The New Human Revolution) offers guidance about how elevating our life condition through Buddhist practice enables us to respond positively to life’s constantly changing realities. This excerpt can be found in The New Human Revolution, vol. 18, pp. 64–65. Shin’ichi [Yamamoto]
Tag: Parenting
The following excerpt is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on bringing up children with humane brightness and cheer. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 93–95 I cherish the boys and girls of the future division. I suppose that among you who have gathered here today, there are those who have many children. Children
Tag: Parenting
The following excerpt is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on becoming strong parents who are not swayed by anything they encounter. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 22–23. I will never forget May 3, 1951. On this day, Josei Toda was inaugurated as the second Soka Gakkai president. At the end of the
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on how parents can work together to create an atmosphere at home that colors their children’s hearts with peace, encouragement and happiness. This can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 13-15. Many parents fight about their children’s problems, blaming each other and making matters worse. Children clearly see this, and
Tag: Parenting
The following is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on recognizing the value and mission of every child. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 2–3. Children are precious treasures of the future. All children have the right to become happy. No child is without a mission. Parents are exerting themselves every day to raise
Tag: Parenting
Every time I look at my phone, it’s as if my worth is being calculated,” says Mili, a high school student in New York. “How many likes did my post get? How many views? Why so many views but so few likes?” A growing body of research finds that the more time a person spends
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei offers guidance on helping our children grow into compassionate individuals by leading by example and learning to understand their hearts. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 71–72. Children’s hearts are naturally pure until polluted by the muddy, egoistic society of adults. It takes genuine kindness to understand the pain
Tag: Parenting
The following is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on supporting our kids through all the experiences they may face at school. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 53–56. Children experience many things at school that help them become stronger. It is important that they spend time with other children so they can learn
Tag: Parenting
The following is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on achieving growth and maintaining conviction as parents when our children are not interested in embracing faith in Buddhism. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids. Faith is a lifelong matter. It is all right if it deepens gradually, over time. It is not something to be
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei’s speech from an SGI Representatives Conference in Miami, Florida, Feb. 3, 1993. This guidance can be found in My Dear Friends in America, revised edition, pp. 244–50. I am sure that the just-announced decision to found the SGI-USA future division will shine with increasing significance as time goes by. My most heartfelt congratulations.
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei’s guidance on being sincere and showering our children with love. It can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 5–8. The Lotus Sutra relates the story of the dragon king’s daughter, or dragon girl, who attained Buddhahood at only eight years of age. Nichiren says, “As for the dragon girl, her father
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei talks about the role parents play in building a harmonious family. This guidance can be found in Happy Parents, Happy Kids, pp. 97–99. These days we see so many cases of children who run away from home or become delinquent. Often, quarrels between parents seem to be a contributing factor. One thing I
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei talks about the role parents play in guiding their children to take faith. This guidance can be found in The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 6, pp. 200–02. How do we encourage our children to take faith in Buddhism? The most important thing is to help them learn to respect and love
Tag: Parenting
Ikeda Sensei has spoken with and offered advice to parents and children around the world about creating harmonious families. In Happy Parents Happy Kids, we take a look at his encouragement on family and parenting (pp. 75–77). Respect your children’s creativity. Children’s vision is directed toward the future, because it is filled with possibilities. Parents
Tag: Parenting
For decades, Ikeda Sensei has spoken with and offered advice to parents and children around the world about creating harmonious families. In Happy Parents Happy Kids, we take a look at his encouragement on family and parenting (pp. 45–48). Our profound love brings forth abundant wisdom. My mother was always concerned about what she fed
Tag: Parenting
For decades, Ikeda Sensei has spoken with and offered advice to parents and children around the world about creating harmonious families. In Happy Parents Happy Kids, we take a look at his encouragement on family and parenting (pp. 7–11). 1) Children’s lives will be determined by how parents live. “The love parents shower on young
Tag: Parenting
A Conversation With Kaneko Ikeda