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This Month in Soka Gakkai History (March)

Photo by simonbradfield / Getty Images.


In 1966, 750 representatives gathered with Ikeda Sensei at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Tokyo, marking the establishment of the men’s division. On that occasion, he said, “If the men’s division develops remarkably and establishes a solid framework for kosen-rufu, our organization will remain secure forever” (The New Human Revolution, vol. 10, revised edition, pp. 301–02).


In 1962, in anticipation of creating a century of culture, 20 members gathered alongside Sensei to establish the arts department, originally named the academic and arts department. (See NHR-13, revised edition, “Shining Citadel” chapter)


In 1955, Soka Gakkai representatives engaged in debate with members of another school of Nichiren Buddhism in Hokkaido to determine the legitimacy of the groups’ respective teachings. Sensei, then-youth division chief of staff, emceed with poise and conviction, setting the stage for the Soka Gakkai’s decisive victory. (See The Human Revolution, “Spark” and “Otaru Debate” chapters)


In 1958, 6,000 Soka Gakkai youth attended a “dress rehearsal” for kosen-rufu together with second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda. At this event, just before his passing, President Toda entrusted the future of kosen-rufu to the youth division. (See The Human Revolution, “Successors” chapter)


In 1954, Sensei was appointed Soka Gakkai youth division chief of staff. He shouldered responsibility for the overall planning and management of the entire Soka Gakkai, setting new records for propagation throughout the country.

March 8, 2024, World Tribune, p. 4

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