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Our History

This Month in Soka Gakkai History (September)

Photo by Mary D’Elia.


Anniversary of the Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons

In 1957, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda made this declaration at the Mitsuzawa Stadium in Yokohama, Japan. He entrusted his successors in the youth division to spread throughout the world the belief that nuclear weapons are an absolute evil. This declaration became the starting point for the Soka Gakkai’s movement for peace. (See The Human Revolution, “Declaration” chapter; and The New Human Revolution, vol. 7, “The Flower of Culture” and “At the Helm” chapters)

55th Anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s Proposal for the Normalization of Relations Between Japan and China

In 1968, Sensei presented this proposal at the 11th Soka Gakkai Student Division General Meeting. (See NHR-13, “Golden Bridge” chapter; and NHR-20, “Path of Friendship” chapter)

Five Years Since the Publication of The New Human Revolution’s Last Installment

In 2018, Sensei’s The New Human Revolution series in the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, concluded. With 6,469 installments (30 volumes in total), it holds the record for the most installments in a Japanese newspaper series.


The Tatsunokuchi Persecution

In 1271, Nichiren Daishonin was arrested and taken in the middle of the night to Tatsunokuchi, near Kama-kura, to be executed. The execution attempt failed. During this event, Nichiren “cast off the transient and revealed the true,” meaning that while remaining an ordinary human being, he revealed his true identity as a Buddha possessing infinite wisdom and compassion.


The Establishment of the Elementary School Division 

In 1965, Sensei established the Boys and Girls Group (referred to in the SGI-USA as the elementary school division). (See NHR-9, “Young Phoenixes” chapter)


30 Years Since Sensei’s Second Harvard University Lecture

On Sept. 24, 1993, Sensei delivered his second Harvard University lecture,[1] “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-First-Century Civilization.”[2]

September 8, 2023, World Tribune, p. 4


  1. Ikeda Sensei delivered his first lecture at Harvard University on Sept. 26, 1991. ↩︎
  2. Read the lecture at: <accessed on Aug. 29, 2023>. ↩︎

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