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Introductory Exam to be Held Oct. 29–30

Photo by lilartsy / Pexel

The SGI-USA introductory exam will be held on Oct. 29–30. Study is a vital aspect of our Buddhist practice. Preparing for and taking the introductory exam is an opportunity for members and guests to deepen their understanding of Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings through studying his writings, Ikeda Sensei’s commentaries, various Buddhist concepts, and the history Nichiren Buddhism and the SGI.

What is it?

The introductory exam is the first level of the SGI-USA study program. It is a pass/no pass graded exam with 20 multiple-
choice questions. 

Who can take it?

Any SGI-USA member who has not taken or who did not pass a previous introductory exam may take this exam. It is also open to guests.

How to prepare for it?

A study guide with all the material for the introductory exam can be accessed here or by visiting Contact your local leaders for exam locations, times and other details.

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