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Frontline News

Changes to Contribution Guidelines

The SGI-USA is pleased to announce that the Central Executive Committee, our national planning body, recently approved important changes to our guidelines for accepting financial contributions:

1) Any person who joined the SGI-USA on or after Jan. 1, 2019, must wait one year before making a financial contribution to the organization.

2) On or after the one-year anniversary of their joining our organization, they may be asked to start financial contributions to the SGI-USA after being interviewed by a chapter through national leader, who will share the spirit of faith-based contribution as clarified by SGI President Ikeda in volume 4 of The New Human Revolution and elsewhere.

One key passage reads as follows:

Donations to support organizational activities represent offerings for the advancement of kosen-rufu. Faced with members’ growing insistence that they be allowed to help finance the organization, [second Soka Gakkai President Josei] Toda sensed that the time had finally come to open the door to such a development . . . Financial contributions to the Soka Gakkai were not the same as donations to other organizations, because it was essential that offerings for kosen-rufu be based on faith. As long as the contributors possessed such sincere and ardent faith, they would not fail to receive immeasurable benefit.” (p. 109)

3) To support the leaders who will conduct the interviews and to ensure consistency of our message, an SGI-USA study booklet about the spirit of financial contribution will be printed and distributed to all chapter through national leaders by Sept. 30, 2019. It will also be available online.

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