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New Releases

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating the World

A Compilation of Ikeda Sensei’s Series of Lectures on Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings

Photo by Yvonne Ng.

The Immeasurable Power of Prayer (Coming Soon)
Ikeda Sensei explains the limitless power of prayer in Nichiren Buddhism in the face of personal and global problems that can seem out of our control. $6.95

Creating a Century of Humanism
This collection discusses the mission of SGI members to establish the foundation for a century of humanism. $4.95

Toward a Century of Health
Learn how we can remain undefeated and live out our lives with a noble sense of mission amid struggles with illness. $4.95

A Religion of Human Revolution
Dig into the dynamics of fundamental change, generated within to produce tangible, positive results in one’s environment. $9.95

May 17, 2024, World Tribune, p. 9

Treasuring Each Person Through Discussion Meetings, Home Visits and Personal Encouragement

Prepare to Improvise