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Historic City of Trogir

Photo by Dreamer4787 / Getty Images.

Trogir is a fortified island town in Croatia, founded by Greek settlers over 2,000 years ago. Its cultural heritage has been well preserved, largely due to its surrounding walls and manmade water channel separating it from the mainland. Trogir’s layout dates back to prehistoric times. At the center of the main town square stands the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, the construction of which took nearly 300 years. By the time it was completed in the 1500s, the cathedral’s architecture reflected Romanesque, gothic and renaissance styles. With minimal modern intervention, Trogir’s cultural townscape retains its medieval integrity, personified by its closely packed buildings, narrow street pattern and the two ancient main roads, the cardo and the decumanus, which remain in use today.

—Prepared by the World Tribune staff

March 1, 2024, World Tribune, p. 12

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