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Brief Guidances

Fearlessly Advance With the Heart of a Lion King

Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings

Photo by TravelCouples / Getty Images.

Suppose a lion has a hundred cubs. When the lion king sees its cubs attacked by other beasts or birds of prey, he roars; the hundred cubs will then feel emboldened, and the heads of those other beasts and birds of prey will be split into seven pieces. The Lotus Sutra is like the lion king, who rules over all other animals. 

“The Drum at the Gate of Thunder,” WND-1, 949

The Soka Gakkai is the king of the religious world”—this year marks 65 years since my mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, entrusted the youth with carrying on this proud conviction [at the ceremony on March 16, 1958].

Upholding Nichiren Buddhism, the lion king of Buddhist teachings, Soka mentors and disciples have striven tirelessly amid the challenges of society to vanquish the devilish functions that cause unhappiness and misery. We have imparted boundless strength and courage to many people.

Lions are fearless; they advance, roar and win no matter what.

To all of you, my young friends who cherish a noble vow for kosen-rufu—overcome even the most formidable obstacles with the heart of a lion king and achieve resounding triumph as youthful champions!

From the March 10, 2023, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. This message was received before Ikeda Sensei’s passing.

February 16, 2024, World Tribune, p. 3

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