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On the Cover—Hawaii

Featuring members from Hawaii.

Andy “Analu” Louis
Honaunau-Napoopoo, Hawaii
Macadamia Nut Farmer

Each day I fertilize and care for my macadamia trees. We harvest the nuts four times a year. During that time, the nuts ripen and fall. Then we manually pick them. The process from planting and pruning the trees to harvesting the nuts is labor intensive, and everything has to be in rhythm. I love knowing I can provide macadamia nuts for people around the world to enjoy.

As a farmer, I resonate with the concept of “planting seeds” of Buddhahood and try to share Buddhism with young farmers. One farmer recently began attending SGI meetings and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I can see his Buddhahood sprouting. My goal toward 2030 is to develop a vibrant forest of capable people!

Felicita Garrido
Waialua, Hawaii
Taro Farmer and Hawaiian Studies Teacher

Aloha is the unconditional love for each person.  We are connected to one another and our environment. When you’re happy, I’m happy, yeah? This is what I teach the children who come to our 6-acre wetland taro patch called the Lo’i Kalo, which is our living classroom.

I begin my day by chanting to align myself with the universe and am outside by 7 a.m. In preparation for the school groups, I set up displays describing the Ahupua’a, the sustainable agricultural system used by ancient Hawaiians.

Today, we face a pressing question: How do we sustain ourselves and the planet simultaneously? Buddhism teaches that all obstacles are opportunities for creativity and growth.

Ryo Shintani
Kauai, Hawaii

Firefighting is unpredictable. There are days of routine, of restocking and resetting equipment, and days when all hell breaks loose. Putting out fires is our primary duty, but we get all kinds of calls—medical emergencies or rescue calls that take us into the forest or the ocean.

The crew members have strong personalities, but I chant to unite with them, which pulls me out of my fragile self that holds on to jealousy and judgment. My Buddhist practice reminds me that when conflicts arise, the most important thing is that we enjoy one another’s company, grow together and do the job well by keeping the people on our island safe.

Good Causes Bring Good Fortune

Song of the Heart