The following is a tentative translation of an article carried in the April 3, 2022, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun.

On April 2, 2022, the anniversary of second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda’s passing, Ikeda Sensei and his wife, Kaneko, visited the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Tokyo to recite gongyo and daimoku.
The Soka Gakkai Headquarters was enveloped in a profusion of cherry blossoms, as though echoing Mr. Toda’s wish to pass away when the cherry blossoms were in bloom.
Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda offered prayers in remembrance of their mentor, who fervently wished to eliminate misery from the world and established the foundation of kosen-rufu before his noble life came to a close.
They also prayed for the peace, safety and tranquility of the world, and the happiness, good fortune, health and victory of all SGI members throughout the world, including those embarking on new endeavors, such as university students or those entering the work force.[1]
- In Japan, traditionally April is the month in which students begin the new school year and companies hire new employees. ↩︎
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