Two new youth leaders were welcomed to the Central Executive Committee:

Shota Okajima
East Territory young men’s leader

Amelia Gonzalez
East Territory young women’s leader

The SGI-USA also announced Olivia Saito, SGI-USA youth leader, will assume the role of SGI-USA youth advisor, focusing on the future and student divisions, and will continue as a CEC participant. There are no immediate plans to appoint an SGI-USA youth leader.

Also, Donna Snyder, SGI-USA vice general director, will no longer be part of the Executive Council. She has been added as a voting member of the CEC.

A Touchpoint for Every Member
An essential part of the SGI-USA’s effort to strengthen the front lines of the organization under the banner “The District Is the Core,” is developing groups and appointing group and unit leaders.
Tariq Hasan, senior vice SGI-USA general director, recalled attending a chapter kickoff where they made an ambitious goal to introduce new members to the practice this year. When he asked how they planned to take care of the new members, their response was vague.
“The next evolution for the SGI-USA is ensuring that all members in a district have a touchpoint,” he said. “Whether a member practices or not, we want to emphasize it’s a meaningful effort for leaders to put their names on our altars and chant daimoku for them.”
This means having enough groups and group and unit leaders to truly care for each member, never giving up on their happiness.

‘Propagation Renaissance’
In a presentation by the national youth team, Olivia Saito noted that it took seven years for the members to actualize second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda’s lifetime goal of introducing 750,000 families to Nichiren Buddhism in Japan.
Today, she said, we have eight years until 2030, the Soka Gakkai’s centennial. “Our efforts to share Buddhism are not just an organizational campaign,” she said. “This is how we’re going to transform our world.”
Part of this focus is to teach new members to share Buddhism as a core element of Buddhist practice and encourage them to take on unit leadership, so they can learn the spirit to practice for self and others.
The priority is to ensure the happiness and breakthrough of the members. One part of the “propagation renaissance” effort is to inspire front line leaders to welcome two new youth members to each district as a result of the members’ joy from experiencing personal benefit.

Dynamic Progress of Youth
From March 26–27, March Youth General Meetings will be held by zone or region across the country with the theme “Redefining Joy Amid the Times.” These meetings are open to all young women, young men, nonbinary youth members and guests.
The SGI-USA, meanwhile, announced it was lowering the graduation age to 34 (in 2023), 33 (in 2024) and 32 (from 2025 onward).
May Contribution
This year’s May Commemorative Contribution Activity will take place from April 28 to June 5 with the theme “Dashing Forward With the Heart of a Lion King,” with study material available in the April and May editions of Living Buddhism and and in the World Tribune from April through June.
Three contribution envelopes will be included with the April 8, 2022, World Tribune for those wishing to contribute by check, money order or cashier’s check. (Please do not send cash by mail.)
Contributions by credit or debit card or automatic clearinghouse check payments (ACH) transfer can be made via the SGI-USA Membership Portal at or by calling Member Services at (855) 744-2030 Monday–Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT.
Contributors will receive a pen emblazoned with this year’s theme by mail at the end of June.

Exciting Changes to the SGI-USA Periodicals
In March, the SGI-USA periodicals will introduce a $7 monthly subscription rate. The annual subscrip-tion, broken down into monthly payments, will offer access to the print editions of the World Tribune and Living Buddhism, plus their online editions and a new World Tribune mobile app to be introduced in April.
In April, subscribers will have access to the new, which will include additional content, audio-enabled articles and the podcast “Buddhist Solutions for Life’s Problems.” The World Tribune app will be launched in app stores shortly after.
These new resources are being introduced with the aim of making it easier for members to enjoy the publications amid their busy daily routines.
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