Jan. 1 World Tribune
Hearts Ever Youthful and Filled With Limitless Hope
Ikeda Sensei opens 2022 in his New Year’s message by praising SGI members as “treasured friends” who chant and take action for the happiness and well-being of others amid the serious challenges facing humanity. He also encourages us to “make dynamic strides in our human revolution, which directly advances kosen-rufu and world peace” and to “encourage, foster and forge ahead together with our youth division and future division members.”
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Jan. 14 World Tribune
Sensei’s New Year’s Poems
Celebrating the start of 2022, Sensei composes three poems, stating in one: “Engraving in our hearts / the Daishonin’s sacred teachings, / which can unite the entire world, / let’s break through all obstacles / as Bodhisattvas of the Earth! ”
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Jan. 21 World Tribune
Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda Conduct Gongyo at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters
Sensei and his wife, Kaneko, conduct gongyo at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters on Jan. 9, 2022, to celebrate the Year of Youth and Dynamic Progress and the fresh departure of each Soka Gakkai organization. They pray for the peace and security of the world and for the good fortune, health and victory of SGI members who have initiated great momentum of dynamic progress toward the next summit of kosen-rufu, the 100th anniversary of the Soka Gakkai’s founding in 2030.
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Feb. 4 World Tribune
‘Vast Heart’ and ‘Great Cherry Tree’
Sensei’s two calligraphic works: “Vast Heart” and “Great Cherry Tree,” are presented at the Sixth Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial. Of these works, Sensei writes: “This year, together with our treasured fellow members everywhere, let us reach out to others with our ‘vast hearts,’ striving even harder to enfold our communities, the lands where we live and our planet in the boundless benefit of the Mystic Law. And with the firm conviction that ‘winter always turns to spring,’ let us resolve together to make our ‘great cherry trees’ of kosen-rufu and life flower magnificently with brilliant benefit!”
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Feb. 4 World Tribune
Transforming Human History: The Light of Peace and Dignity
On Jan. 26, 2022, SGI President Daisaku Ikeda issues his 40th annual peace proposal, offering concrete ideas for achieving climate justice, inclusive education and nuclear disarmament. Regarding humanity’s response to the pandemic, he states, “I believe firmly that the key factor determining the direction of history will prove not to have been the virus but we humans ourselves.”
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Feb. 11 World Tribune
Fresh Dynamic Progress Arises from Fresh Resolve
SGI Honorary Women’s Leader Kaneko Ikeda presents a message to commemorate women’s month, writing: “Nothing is a match for the vibrant prayers of Soka women united one in heart and mind with their mentor. Let us continue day by day, month after month, to encourage and warm others’ hearts and foster the wings of young people. … And let’s vow together to achieve tremendous dynamic progress in our lives and kosen-rufu!”

Mar. 11 World Tribune
Fervent Prayers for Ceasefire and Return to Peace in Ukraine
Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada issues a statement on Feb. 28, 2022, in response to the breakout of war in Ukraine, saying: “We strongly call for an immediate cessation of hostilities. … I hope that utmost efforts will be made by all countries concerned to prevent the situation from worsening. As a Buddhist, together with Soka Gakkai members around the world, I am offering fervent prayers for the quickest
possible end to the conflict and a return to peace and safety for all.”
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Mar. 18 World Tribune
Soka Gakkai Donates to Aid Ukrainian Refugees
Amid ongoing fighting threatening the lives of those in Ukraine, President Harada reports the Soka Gakkai’s donation to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to offer humanitarian aid to those being displaced. Soka Gakkai Youth Leader Akiyasu Shiga issues a statement, saying in part: “Above all, we cannot turn a blind eye to the escalating tension and perceivable threat of the use of nuclear weapons. … We must continue to engage more than ever in dialogue and diplomacy toward restoring peace.”

Mar. 18 World Tribune
Aliso Viejo Recognizes SUA as a ‘Trusted Partner’
The city of Aliso Viejo, California, recognizes Soka University of America (SUA) as a “Trusted Partner” supporting the city. After SUA opened its facilities to serve as a COVID vaccine distribution center during the initial days of the vaccine rollout, Mayor Ross Chun and Mayor Pro Tem Richard Hurt presented SUA President Edward M. Feasel and Vice President for Finance and Administration Archibald E. Asawa with a certificate of recognition.
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Mar. 18 World Tribune
‘Rebuilding the Foundation’
The SGI-USA Central Executive Committee holds its first quarterly conference on March 5, 2022. There, they discuss the next steps in developing the organization’s focuses toward 2030: “The District Is the Core” and “Propagation Renaissance.” In his opening words, SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss stresses three points to focus on fortifying: the foundations of the district, the youth division and propagation. He says in part: “Peoples’ lives continue to cycle through the six lower worlds, and that is why we find ourselves in 2022 facing a horrific war, nuclear threats—everything we thought we had moved past.
“Nonetheless, Nichiren Daishonin’s conviction is ‘But still I am not discouraged.’ What can we do? …
“There’s no doubt—a single person’s daimoku will change the course of history. Each of us can be that person!”
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Apr. 1 World Tribune
Sensei Shares Three Calligraphic Works
At the Eighth Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial, Sensei shares three calligraphic works: “Courageous Successors of Soka,” “Eyes Shining With the Joy of Youth” and “Symphony of Life’s Splendor.” He concludes his message to the meeting saying: “Courageous successors of Soka who have discarded the shallow to seek the profound, dear friends whose eyes shine with the joy of youth, please unite with your wonderful, like-minded fellow members in 192 countries and territories to spread the dynamic dance of human revolution. I hope that you will work together to make a peaceful symphony of life’s splendor resound in the hearts of the global family of humankind.”

Apr. 1 World Tribune
Welcome Back to the FNCC
Over two years after halting all in-person activities, the SGI-USA holds its first conference at the Florida Nature and Culture Center (FNCC) since the start of the pandemic. The conference, with the theme “Charging Ahead! Expanding Our Gathering of Courageous Individuals,” brings together 100 men from across the nation. SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss opens the conference, saying, “I really cannot express how wonderful it is to see all of you.”

Apr. 8 World Tribune
Redefining Joy Amid the Times
In March 2022, the youth division of SGI-USA commemorates March 16, Kosen-rufu Day, with celebratory gatherings around the nation. With the goal to awaken every attendee to the power they possess to create and experience joy amid ongoing challenges, these meetings are themed “Redefining Joy Amid the Times.”
SGI-USA Young Women’s and Young Men’s leaders Maya Gunaseharan and Ryo Kuroki conclude their report on the meetings saying, “Our efforts to visit every person, listen to them and help them identify how Nichiren Buddhism can help them break through their sufferings is how we will take the baton from Sensei and move kosen-rufu forward with a redefined sense of momentum, excitement and joy.”
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Apr. 8 World Tribune
Soka Gakkai Donates to the U.N. World Food programme
In response to the war in Ukraine, Soka Gakkai representatives visit the U.N. World Food Programme branch office in Shibuya, Tokyo, on March 24, 2022, and donate to help fund emergency humanitarian aid.

Apr. 15 World Tribune
Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda Commemorate the Anniversary of Josei Toda’s Passing
Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda visit the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Tokyo to recite gongyo and daimoku on April 2, 2022, the anniversary of second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda’s passing. They offer prayers in remembrance of their mentor, for the peace, safety and tranquility of the world, and the happiness, good fortune, health and victory of all SGI members.

May 3 World Tribune
‘World Tribune’ Launches New Site and App
The World Tribune launches its revamped website, worldtribune.org, and a new mobile app that enables subscribers to read and listen to their SGI-USA publications from their phones, available on iOS and Android.
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May 3 World Tribune
Let Us Continue on Our Journey to Guide Humanity to Peace and Happiness
In his message to the Ninth Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial, Sensei presents three calligraphic works that he inscribed in 1982. They are “Vow of Establishing the Correct Teaching,” “Melody of Moonlight and Fragrant Breezes,” for the young women, and “Journey on the Great Path of Kosen-rufu,” for the young men.

June 3 World Tribune
University of Minnesota Awards Honorary Doctorate to Ikeda Sensei
The University of Minnesota, one of the world’s leading research institutions, awards Sensei with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters during the 2022 commencement ceremony for the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs for his enduring role as a global peace advocate and Buddhist philosopher. On May 14, 2022, SGI Vice President Yoshiki Tanigawa accepts the honorary doctorate on Sensei’s behalf.
In his acceptance message, Sensei says in part: “It is a truly great honor to be able to share this common bond with the University of Minnesota in the grand and ceaseless endeavor of humanistic education. I offer heartfelt thanks on behalf of myself and the members of the Soka Gakkai International in the United States and in 192 countries and territories worldwide who are striving, as global citizens, to usher in a century of humanity in which the dignity of life is ensured. Thank you very much indeed for this honor.”

June 3 World Tribune
Queens Opens the ‘Perfect Place for Kosen-rufu’
The new SGI-USA Queens Buddhist Center opens on May 1, 2022. Sensei sends a message to the meeting, saying, “This center signifies that you will enjoy even greater benefits and that new paths of kosen-rufu will expand limitlessly before you.” New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky sends a proclamation to the meeting, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams presents a Certificate of Recognition, honoring the contributions of the SGI-USA members to the local community. The local leaders express their determination to use this new center as a “citadel” of propagation, member care and raising youth, where members brim with boundless benefit and take kosen-rufu in America to new heights.
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June 10 World Tribune
The Time to Bring Forth Courage
In his message regarding May Commemorative Contribution activities for 2022, SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss expresses appreciation for all SGI-USA members, saying: “Your incredible sincerity shone through even the challenging situations that we are facing now. …
“Let’s press forward together, fully confident, as Sensei says that ‘you each possess within you the heart of a lion king—in other words the courage not to be defeated by anything.’”

June 10 World Tribune
Everyone Is a Protagonist for Kosen-rufu
SGI Vice President Yoshiki Tanigawa speaks at leaders meetings held in Chicago (May 15), Dallas (May 17) and Santa Monica, California (May 21). He emphasizes the importance of studying and living Nichiren Daishonin’s writings and of raising the youth.
He says: “Deepening our understanding of Buddhist study is of utmost importance.
“However, simply reading Nichiren Daishonin’s writings … doesn’t lead to mastering Buddhist study. Only through taking action and making efforts in faith can we truly engrave them in our lives.”

June 17 World Tribune
‘Exercise Your True Worth as Global Citizens of Soka’
On May 27, 2022, Soka University of America graduates the Class of 2022. Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi serves as the keynote speaker and receives the Highest Award of Honor from the university. In his message to the graduating class, University Founder Daisaku Ikeda says, “My beloved graduates, precisely because you stand today on the cusp of an arduous journey in an era of trial and turmoil, I offer these words on your departure: Summon forth resounding courage and exercise your true worth as global citizens of Soka.”

June 17 World Tribune
Global Citizen Award
SUA honors former U.S. Ambassador Andrew Young with the second Soka Global Citizen Award. After accepting the award, Andrew Young encourages the students, faculty and staff attending the May 4 ceremony, saying: “Don’t ever give up on peace. Don’t ever give up on humanity. Don’t ever give up on the eternal spirit that moves through us all.”
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July 1 World Tribune
The Next Phase of Reopening
Following a virtual conference on June 18, 2022, the SGI-USA Central Executive Committee votes to hold in-person district discussion meetings at reopened Buddhist centers and also approves informal outdoor gatherings for members.

July 1 World Tribune
Tucson Buddhist Center Opens
The long-awaited grand opening of the new Tucson Buddhist Center is celebrated on May 1, 2022. Mayor of the City of Tucson, Regina Romero, presents a proclamation at the meeting declaring May 3, 2022, “Daisaku Ikeda-Soka Gakkai Day.” With this fresh start, the resilient Southwest Zone members resolve to create a new future as protagonists of their community.

July 8 World Tribune
Learning to Live With Undefeatable Hearts
Junior high and high school division members gather for their first in-person conference in three years. In their message to the attendees following the conference, Maya Gunaseharan, SGI-USA young women’s leader; Ryo Kuroki, SGI-USA young men’s leader; and Olivia Saito, SGI-USA youth advisor, express appreciation to the participants, saying, “It was truly an honor, privilege and our fortune to learn from you all as we vowed together to strive and move forward as disciples of Ikeda Sensei to bring about an era in our country that respects the dignity of life.”
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Aug. 5 World Tribune
Voices From the First In-Person Discussion Meetings
The first 11 in-person, hybrid discussion meetings since the start of the pandemic are held July 17–19, 2022, at the Chicago and New York culture centers and the Los Angeles Friendship Center. Said one district men’s leader: “If you have an opportunity to do an in-person discussion meeting, by all means do it! … It’s an experience you don’t want to miss.”

Sept. 2 World Tribune
Securing the Eternal Flow of Kosen-rufu in Puerto Rico
In an “explosion of joy and hope,” the new SGI-USA San Juan Buddhist Center opens in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Aug. 7, 2022. Mayor Miguel A. Romero Lugo proclaims May 3 “Day of Dr. Daisaku Ikeda.”
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Sept. 2 World Tribune
New Series: ‘GO-TO Gosho Passages’
“Go-to Gosho Passages,” a new study series, begins, highlighting famous quotes from Nichiren Daishonin and related explanations and guidance from Sensei.
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Sept. 2 World Tribune
Marking 75 Years of Buddhist Practice
Sensei composes three poems to commemorate Aug. 24, the 75th anniversary of the start of his Buddhist practice. One reads, “On my 75th anniversary / of embracing faith, /
I dedicate to my mentor / the honor of making the Mystic Law / resound throughout the world.”
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Sept. 16 World Tribune
On Aug. 27, 2022, at the 10th Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial, Sensei shares a calligraphic work in appreciation for the good wishes he received on his 75th anniversary of embracing faith, which features the phrases “Gratitude to the Law” and “Gratitude to My Mentor.”

Sept. 16 World Tribune
Condolences on the Passing of Mikhail Gorbachev
Sensei sends a message of condolence on the passing of former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. The two had collaborated on the book-length dialogue Moral Lessons of the Twentieth Century: Gorbachev and Ikeda on Buddhism and Communism. In his message, Sensei says Mr. Gorbachev will continue to live on in the hearts of many as an eternal source of light illuminating humanity’s future.

Oct. 7 World Tribune
New Member Resources and Public Websites
The SGI-USA launches its new Member Resources portal (portal.sgi-usa.org), a website featuring all member and leader resources in one place, and the new SGI-USA website (sgi-usa.org), which serves to inform the general public of our Buddhist practice and community.

Oct. 7 World Tribune
Welcome Globie
The new World Tribune mascot, Globie, is introduced on the SGI-USA’s social media accounts to celebrate the history of kosen-rufu and share the latest and greatest in the publications.

Oct. 7 World Tribune
SGI-USA to Expand Reopening
The Central Executive Committee votes to expand reopening for 2023, approving a change in guidelines that will allow all members, regardless of vaccination status, to meet at open SGI-USA centers for approved meetings and activities, pending COVID rates, along with updates to the 2023 study program and a return to the FNCC’s full conference schedule and occupancy.

Oct. 7 World Tribune
Exert Ourselves Joyfully to Enrich Our Districts
SGI Vice President Yoshiki Tanigawa offers guidance to the Central Executive Committee and Executive Council Conference, highlighting three points: 1) to exert ourselves joyfully; 2) to never forget the bond of mentor and disciple; and 3) for leaders to take the initiative. He concludes his message saying: “SGI-USA’s momentum in advancing toward 2030 will impact the entire world. With the youth, who are growing at a remarkable pace and leading our movement, let us make a fresh new start as we vow with one another to expand and show dynamic progress, more than ever before!”

Nov. 4 World Tribune
‘Make Exemplary Progress in Advancing Worldwide Kosen-rufu!’
Following SGI World Peace Day, representative leaders gather in San Francisco (Oct. 9), Atlanta (Oct. 11) and Washington, D.C., (Oct. 13) for dynamic meetings toward Nov. 18, led by SGI Vice President Yoshiki Tanigawa. On his visit to the U.S., Mr. Tanigawa also meets with Sensei’s treasured friends Lawrence E. Carter Sr., dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College, and U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson.
In his address to the Northern California Dual Zone Leaders Meeting held in San Francisco, Mr. Tanigawa concludes: “I ask that you uphold great pride in striving in this place of mission in this lifetime. Please advance powerfully as pioneers of kosen-rufu in America and the world!”
Dec. 2 World Tribune
Let’s Join Together to Build a Great Castle of Soka
Sensei shares two calligraphic works as an expression of appreciation to all members at the 11th Headquarters Leaders Meetings Toward Our Centennial, “Golden Castle” and “Castle of Good Fortune.” In his message to the meeting, he encourages members saying, “Striving even more to lead healthy, long lives, together let us make a song of our eternal triumph resound!”

Dec. 2 World Tribune
The Year of Youth and Triumph
The Soka Gakkai themefor 2023, The Year of Youth and Triumph, is announced. The theme signifies that the youth are at the vanguard of the SGI’s efforts and that each person lives with a youthful spirit.
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Dec. 9 World Tribune
A Buddhist Take on History
A middle-school U.S. history textbook from McGraw Hill Education, one of the top three educational publishers in the country, features a quote from Daisaku Ikeda in its 2023 edition. The quote, “We are not merely passive pawns of historical forces; nor are we victims of the past. We can shape and direct history,” is from an essay the SGI president penned in May 2006 for the Japan Times, titled “‘People’s Diplomacy’: A Power to Resist the Currents of History.”
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Dec. 9 World Tribune
Time to Sing a Song of Triumph
SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss sends a special message to encourage the Many Treasures Group members toward 2023, saying: “The SGI global theme for 2023 is The Year of Youth and Triumph. Actually, the two characters used for the word triumph in Japanese could also be read, ‘Triumphant Song.’
“Perhaps one way to interpret that phrase is as symbolic of the thunderous daimoku that the Many Treasures Group have been chanting, reverberating across the decades and throughout the world.”
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