“Everyone, please expect much of these young people. … They will carry out the battle for the Law. So long as we have these youths, the Soka Gakkai will be absolutely solid.”[1] Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda uttered these words days after he established the young men’s and young women’s divisions (July 11 and 19, 1951, respectively).
This month, the young men and young women will celebrate the 70th anniversaries of their divisions with commemorative gatherings held virtually across the nation! Stay tuned for additional details from your local leader.

Young Men’s Division General Meetings
To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the young men’s division (YMD), the young men will hold general meetings on the chapter or region levels for all YMD/nonbinary members and guests (from junior high school age to age 35). “The YMD will put 100 years’ worth of effort this year to stand up against the negative functions plaguing society,” said SGI-USA Young Men’s Leader Ryo Kuroki. “This meeting will mark the beginning of each YMD’s victory!”

Young Women’s Division Virtual Conference
The young women’s division will gather for a nationwide conference on July 24. The conference, themed “A New Kind of Revolution—Buddhism and Society,” is open to all young women and nonbinary members and guests.
Against the backdrop of these uncertain and challenging times, the event will highlight powerful stories of young women in America who are using their Buddhist practice to show the power of the human being in their own unique way.
- The Human Revolution, p. 602. ↩︎
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