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Cybersecurity Tips

Staying Safe Online

Photo by Dan Nelson / Unsplash

Email hacking has become increasingly common in this digital age. Getting “hacked” means that a cybercriminal has gained unauthorized access to your computer, smartphone or other confidential information. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Tips to Prevent Email Hacking

1. Protect Your Devices
Make sure to have antivirus software installed and set to automatically update on your computer, smartphone and/or tablet.

2. Suspicious Email

• Be wary of any email that asks you to send money or give your personal information (e.g. your password and username, account numbers, Social Security number or medical information), even if it appears to be from someone you trust. Also, refrain from clicking on suspicious links in emails or texts.

• If you get an unusual email that appears to be from someone you trust, call this person to verify the email by using existing contact information that you have for that person. (Do not use a phone number or email address that is in the suspicious email.)

Hacked? Here Is What to Do Next.

1. Change all of your passwords immediately for your computer, devices and online accounts (e.g. email, online banking, online utility payments, etc.)

2. Notify your contacts that you were hacked and tell them not to trust emails from you that are requesting information or money.

3. Find a reputable computer support service to check your computer and other devices to ensure that the “hacker” does not still have control.

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