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New Releases

‘Champions of Hope’ Out Now

The World Tribune Press introduces Ikeda Sensei’s latest book, Champions of Hope: To My Youthful Successors Around the World.

The book presents five lectures from Sensei dedicated to young people, who are carrying on the mission of transforming our ailing society into a land of peace, based on the humanistic principles of Nichiren Buddhism.

The lectures are from “The Buddhism of the Sun— Illuminating the World” series. Sensei focuses on the topics of “courage,” “invincible spirit,” “successors,” “humanism” and “kosen-rufu” while using passages from Nichiren Daishonin’s writings to offer lessons on leadership and guidelines for helping youth rise as champions of hope.

This powerful book is available for $3.95 at

The Power of Encouragement

‘The Books of My Youth’